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Meet Tanisa

Certified Mental Health Life Coach

Hello from "Holding Space. Being Present." I'm a professional Mental Health Life Coach, who is here to help you reach a goal or make a change in your life. I believe you can achieve your personal goals with life coaching, and enjoy a new outlook on life. For more information about my services and what I can do for you, please browse through my website and do not hesitate reaching out with any questions.

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What does "Holding Space" mean?

Holding space for someone can mean different things for different people, but, at a minimum, it means taking the initiative, without any prompting, to be empathic to another person’s situation or circumstance and making time for that individual to do whatever is needed for them, like voicing hurt, anger, or another strong emotion, and receiving whatever they need to communicate in a way that is supportive and nonjudgmental.


Diploma in Mental Health

Credential I.D.: 1692-988255

Alison Courses


Diploma in Psychology

Credential I.D.: 1251-988255

Alison Courses


Professional Life Coach

Credential I.D.: 4416-988255

Alison Courses



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